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Linear actuators

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The history of the Thomson Electrak® actuator goes back to the development of ball screw actuators 40 years ago in Marengo, IL, USA. The first generation of general purpose actuators were developed for control of accessory drives on garden tractors and farm equipment. Since that simple beginning, actuators are now used in all types of equipment to automate a process, remove people from dangerous situations, provide remote control or make difficult, tedious manual jobs easier. Thomson actuators are easy to mount and operate, require no maintenance, don't leak hydraulic fluid, are easy to incorporate into an automated process and once installed they will work reliably under the toughest conditions year after year. Replacing hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders with electrical linear actuators means a simpler and smaller installation, easier control, lower energy costs, higher accuracy, less maintenance, less noise and a cleaner, healthier environment.